The Demoness Visits Often

Jiang Hao looked at the beast collar in his hands. Raising pets was indeed expensive.

A collar for a beast at the Lifeblood Refinement Realm costs around 100 spirit stones. For a beast at Early Foundation Establishment Realm, it had cost him 500 spirit stones.

When a pet spirit beast broke through to a higher stage of cultivation, it was important to replace the collar. Otherwise, the beast might easily break the collar and run. The collar for a beast at Middle Foundation Establishment Realm cost more than a thousand spirit stones!

The more Jiang Hao thought about it, the more surprised he was at the amount of spirit stones his fellow disciples had.

"Fortunately, the talisman-making materials were reasonably priced."

He had bought six fine-grade talisman-making materials. They were suitable for those in the Foundation Establishment Realm and Golden Core Realm. It had cost him 100 spirit stones.