Happy to Mine

Several bubbles appeared.

Although they were mostly white, it was still better than nothing.

At least it proved to Jiang Hao that bubbles could be found in the mine. He became even more energetic. He controlled the flow of his energy and strength so that he could keep digging for a while longer.

Jiang Hao took care not to reveal his cultivation realm accidentally. He deliberately used the lowest level of energy from the Foundation Establishment Realm.

In this way, nobody could accuse him of using more energy and lifeblood despite being at the Foundation Establishment Stage.

He dug out more ores, and with it, more white bubbles. Occasionally, a few green bubbles appeared along with the white.

[Strength +1]

[Spirit +1]

[Spear +1]

Jiang Hao didn't stop. He worked persistently. When he dug out ores of better quality, some blue bubbles appeared with them.

[Cultivation +1]