Why Don't You Go and Check It Out?

'A seed with spiritual energy? What kind of seed is that?' Jiang Hao was interested in the seed.

If it was a powerful seed, he wanted to obtain it. These treasures were snatched from Azure Mountain, so they wouldn't be something simple.

The seed might not be as rare and powerful as the Heavenly Fragrance Dao Flower, but it would still be useful. It could even drop gold bubbles once in a while. Even if it only gave purple bubbles, that would still be great! But even if it wasn't as good, it would be fine if it could drop a gold one.

However, he had to appraise it first. If it was worth something, then he needed to come up with a way to win in the competition among others from the Foundation Establishment Realm.

'How do I make myself less conspicuous in the competition?'

Jiang Hao thought about it. He could make more talismans and fight with it instead.