Drawing A Saber

"I am Yang Huo of the Blackheaven Sect." The man in the lead introduced himself.

"I'm Chi Yuan from the Wind Lightning Sect."

"I'm Xin Dong of the Sunset Immortal Sect."

Senior Qingyan smiled at them. "Not a single big shot is here."

"Yes, but we have been given the authority to conclude this… negotiation. I hope that is enough for the Heavenly Note Sect," said Yang Huo haughtily.

"Then… Do you agree with our conditions?" asked Senior Qingyan.

The Heavenly Note Sect didn't want another war at the moment. They had just finished fighting Azure Mountain. If they had to fight these three sects together, they would be at a disadvantage.

If the negotiation failed, both sides would suffer.

"We can agree to spirit stones, magic treasures, and pills, but we can't give you the cultivation techniques and spells," said Yang Huo. "However, we'll replenish the spirit herbs, pills, and spirit stones. We'll give you whatever you need."