An Undercover Agent?

Jiang Hao prepared hot water for Hong Yuye.

After testing the water temperature and making sure it wasn't too hot, he stepped out from behind the folding screen. "Senior, the water is ready."

"Is the door closed?" Hong Yuye asked as she got up from the table.

"It's closed," Jiang Hao said.

"Close the window as well." Hong Yuye walked behind the folding screen.

Jiang Hao closed the window.

"Place a chair and sit in front of the folding screen with your back facing it."

Jiang Hao followed the instructions.

Once he was seated, he heard her undressing. She then hung the clothes on the folding screen.

Jiang Hao felt a bit uneasy.

Although Jiang Hao could function normally when facing her, he felt that might easily lose control.


The water splashed as someone stepped into the tub.

"Focus on the door and window," Hong Yuye said.