Famous Because Of His Fights

Jiang Hao still maintained his usual routine of taking care of his spirit herbs at Spirit Mountain. He always went there early and returned home late at night.

He was waiting for someone from the Law Enforcement Hall to come and question him, but three days had passed and no one had come.

No matter how weak Ye Shan and Wan Xi had been, they were still exceptionally talented disciples. After he had injured them heavily, the Ice Moon Valley, or the sect, was bound to say something.

However, after the incident, everything had been quiet.

The others got along well. They greeted and spoke with each other politely, and they went about their own business.

Jiang Hao understood that these people had been sheltered their whole lives. They brought shame to the demonic sect.

Jiang Hao still remembered how Wen Qi had stayed silent when Ye Shan had berated him. Both were geniuses at the same level. Wen Qi should have taken action against her long ago.