Let's Borrow Some Spirit Stones

"Friend Jiang, it's been a long time." Gu Wen greeted Jiang Hao with a smile.

They were indeed lucky. They should have come here much earlier. When they reached the area where the previous mine used to be, they found the land completely transformed. There was no mine in sight.

After some exploration, they discovered an Enlightenment Spring. With their accumulated experiences, they finally advanced to the Golden Core Realm when they stepped into it.

After refining their cultivation, they hurried to the second mine. As expected, they found Jiang Hao there.

Now that they had achieved the Golden Core Realm, they could continue with their previous arrangement.

"Both of you have advanced! That's great to see!" Jiang Hao said politely.

"We owe it to you, Friend Jiang." Ding Yu glanced at the surrounding items. "Shall we continue with the previous arrangement?"