Junior Brother Han's Cultivation Will Soar To A Whole New Level

Jiang Hao opened his eyes.

He might not have sensed it wrong just now. Normally, he wouldn't be able to locate Bai Ye.

He had used the knowledge from the nameless manual, which allowed him to sense the other person's realm through the fluctuations of spiritual energy.

This was the only way for him to clearly ascertain other people's cultivation.

'Was his cultivation affected by the challenge with the Manlong last time? Or is it due to a curse?'

He had abandoned the curse a long time ago. It was too risky to offend Hong Yuye after she had warned him.

Moreover, the curse had been lifted after his last defeat.

After a year of recuperation, his cultivation should have stabilized completely.

In fact, he should have even attempted to advance his cultivation further.

Why did it fall instead?

Jiang Hao was surprised, but he couldn't stop with the sealing process.