The Demoness Questions Xiao Li

In the moonlight, Xiao Li plucked white jujubes.

She put one in her mouth and held the others in her hand.

While picking them, she recalled the times when her parents were still around. At that time, she would secretly glance at them before plucking one from the tree.

Sometimes they wouldn't let her pluck them.

"They're not ripe yet. You'll get a stomachache," her mother used to say.

Her father, on the other hand, would quietly come up behind her and ask what she was doing. He often teased her.

Xiao Li felt sad thinking about them.

"Why aren't you picking more of those?" said a voice from behind.

Xiao Li was startled. The jujubes fell from her hands.

In her haste, she failed to save them.

She turned to look behind her and found a figure in a red and white gown that had appeared by her side silently. She didn't know how long the woman had been standing behind her.