Reaching Foundation Establishment Realm in One Night

Watching the green fish leave, Jiang Hao had some doubts. Did it really understand him?

It looked like it understood him. It didn't seem like a normal fish.

At this point, there was nothing to worry about.

If he was wrong, he could always ask again next time.

There was no rush.


As Jiang Hao was about to leave, the beast leaped to his side.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Hao asked.

At this moment, Xiao Li caught a fish in the water.

He didn't know how the beast persuaded her.

"Lin Zhi has some news," the beast said as it shook off the water.

"About Zhao Qingxue?" Jiang Hao asked.

It was almost a year, and finally, there was news about that.