Meeting Hai Ming and Offering Him A Fruit

On the continent beneath the stars, Xu Bai stood in front of the Burning Immortal Formation, neither entering it nor letting others do so.

He simply waited. No one knew what he was waiting for. Many people approached him, but they couldn't make him interested in other places. It seemed that as long as they informed him of everyone's finds, it was enough.

On this day, while Mo Chuan and others were still exploring a new area following the blue-robed senior, they discovered a secret chamber and some documents.

While some were searching for other things, Mo Chuan began to read the documents. At first, there was nothing special, but the more he read, the more alarmed he became.

"What's wrong?" asked the blue-robed senior.

"Senior Sister, take a look at this, and this!" Mo Chuan exclaimed.