Mental Demons

"That is quite troublesome. Why don't we handle it ourselves?" asked the woman in black.

"I heard she has a treasure on her. Once someone attacks or detects her aura, the people backing her might become aware of it. If you are confident that you can do it… try not to be discovered." The man chuckled.

"Then, I'll let the person behind the ore handle it. Someone who dares to come out and sell ores here must not be weak. If someone captures his people and kills them, he might resort to… violent means," said the woman in black.

"If they don't succeed, we can just take their gains. Either way, we won't lose." The man chuckled again.

"Senior Brother, you have a point. Now, let's see whether Yin Xueni believes us or not." The woman in black smiled.

The two headed to where Yin Xueni was.

Whether the plan succeeded or not wasn't important to them. They still had plenty of time. If necessary, there was another method.