Another Opportunity

After Jiang Hao entered, a woman at the counter immediately asked him what he needed.

"Do you buy pills?" Jiang Hao asked.

She hesitated. "During special times… Our prices may be lower."

"No problem," Jiang Hao said.

"What are you planning to sell?" asked the woman.

She was young and only in the Golden Core Realm.

As for her actual age, he was unsure.

Hong Yuye also appeared young, but based on her cultivation realm, it was apparent that she had been cultivating for a long, long time.

"This." Jiang Hao took out a Soul Ascension Realm pill.

It was a common type of pill. It wasn't that expensive. But a Golden Core Realm cultivator would feel surprised.

The woman was quite curious. How did someone only at the Golden Core Realm possess such a pill? 'Did he steal it from somewhere?'

If he had found it somewhere, he wouldn't be trying to sell it here.

The woman hesitated. "Please follow me to the third floor."