Finding Three Mistresses for the Master

Late at night, Hong Yuye slept on Jiang Hao's bed.

On the balcony, Jiang Hao looked at the moon outside.

Now that he had seen Zhang's inner demon, he was concerned.

He felt quite emotional.

When his cultivation realm was weak, he never went looking for danger.

But his cultivation realm was high now.

With various magical treasures, it wouldn't be a big problem to venture out.

At thirty-eight, almost approaching thirty-nine, he was considered middle-aged among ordinary people.

In the cultivation world, it was rare for ordinary folks to live past fifty.

He might never find the people he wanted to find ever again. It was quite disappointing.

Meeting them again might bring benefits for him.

It was only a wish.

"I wonder if I'll have an inner demon as I go on ascending to immortality…" Jiang Hao muttered.