Object That Would Bring The Sect Doom

Hai Luo handed the book to Jiang Hao with a wry smile. Jiang Hao was surprised.

King Hai Luo really knew how to use his surroundings to his advantage.

"Are you giving this to me, Senior?" Jiang Hao took the book.

 He was curious about what it might have. 'Can it really reverse the Great Thousand Spiritual Technique?'

Hai Luo winked. Jiang Hao was even more confused.

Jiang Hao had no leverage against Hai Luo anymore. Miao Anxian probably was dead by now.

King Hai Luo could leave if he wanted to. He could ask someone to pay spirit stones and release him from here.

"This book must be fake. There's no way something like that exists in this world." Wen Zhu didn't believe it.

He had never heard of such a thing.

Mi Lingyue also didn't believe it.

How could the Great Thousand God Sect allow such a lapse in judgment?

But Hai Luo had said it with such confidence that it worried everyone.