Repaying Favor With Backstabbing

Jiang Hao was confused. He didn't know what he had achieved this time.

He had taken care not to do anything big during this mission. He had only performed the duties assigned to him and nothing else.

How could he have achieved something big?

Seeing Jiang Hao bewildered, Liu Xingchen smiled. "Junior Brother Jiang, did you meet a lantern-carrying person on your mission?"

"Lantern-carrying person?" Jiang Hao asked.

"Yes." Liu Xingchen nodded. "Do you know that he was captured?"

"Yes." Jiang Hao nodded. He had met him while patrolling.

"He said you led him to the trap that led to his capture. His capture is credited to you," said Liu Xingchen.

Jiang Hao was at a loss for words.

He was perplexed. The direction he had pointed at shouldn't have led him to a trap.

How did the lantern-carrying disciple end up there?

Were the traps both inside and outside the sect?