I Make My Own Destiny

"Woof! Woof! Woof!"

Little Wang barked.

Jiang Hao knew what it wanted.

It had seen something that it could eat.

Suddenly, a rock flew over.

Little Wang immediately jumped up and bit the stone. After chewing it twice, it handed the stone to Jiang Hao.

"Don't touch it!" Nangong Yue quickly said. "Those things must have been tampered with by the Great Thousand God Sect. It's better not to touch these things."

Jiang Hao closed his folding fan and didn't care about what the other party said.

He reached out and took the stone.

When the stone flew over, there was indeed a trace of the Spirit of the Greater World surrounding it.

However, after Little Wang bit it twice, the trace disappeared.

It was eaten clean.

The stone was no longer dangerous.

It was indeed a good idea to bring Little Wang along. As long as they couldn't come across any dragons, it was not afraid of anything.