The Nine Nether Follows Me Willingly

Only three people and a dog were left in the dark passage.

As usual, Little Wang hid behind Jiang Hao and didn't dare to move.

The dim light from the lantern swayed gently. Their shadows appeared distorted.

As for the old man's question, Jiang Hao looked at him without saying a word.

A moment later, he crouched down and stroked Little Wang's fur.

He smiled. "Senior, what are you talking about? Little Wang wasn't tamed. It just follows me willingly."

"Isn't that so, Little Wang?" Jiang hao asked the dog.

"Woof!" Little Woof nodded and wagged its tail.

Jiang Hao slowly stood up. "Senior, did you see it?"

He was a little surprised that this person had figured out that the dog was the Nine Nether.

This version of the creature was only a part of the real Nine Nether.

It wasn't the real deal.

However, this old man had still seen through it.

As for the dragon…

Jiang Hao didn't answer him.