Buying Some Tea

At night, the moon shone brightly in the cloudless sky.

In the past, Bi Zhu would enjoy such a night with a snack in hand.

But, tonight, she was out of her depth. She just wanted to know what Gu Changsheng wanted and if she was safe.

She was still young and did not want to bear such a burden.

Someone like Gu Changsheng should not have approached her.

There were so many geniuses in the world. She was just one genius from the royal family.

Bi Zhu couldn't help but sigh.

"Young lady?" said a voice in her ear.

Bi Zhu jumped in fright. She looked around and realized that there was no one around.

She could not see any aura around.

Was she hallucinating?

"Are you looking for me?" asked the voice again.

She heard it right near her ear.

"Senior Gu?" Bi Zhu asked.

"How old are you?" asked the voice.

"I'm only eighteen years old," said Bi Zhu.

"Eighteen?" The voice sounded surprised.