I'm Going To Surpass The Human Emperor

Hong Yuye left.

Jiang Hao heaved a sigh of relief.

He had guaranteed his way out of here, but he did not know if that would offend Hong Yuye.

In twenty years, if the other party became displeased, he would be in danger.

Powerful people were often unpredictable.

Jiang Hao sighed and decided to explain some things about cultivation to Cheng Chou first.

In addition, Xiao Li's position as the chief candidate was about to be revoked.

Cheng Chou's resources were also running out.

What remained depended on his own comprehension and efforts.

In twenty years, he might be able to break through to the Golden Core Realm.

He needed to be prepared.

"Senior Brother, you're back?" Cheng Chou was delighted.

"Are there any problems with your cultivation?" Jiang Hao asked.

"A little. Junior Brother Mu and the others seem to have some issues too." Cheng Chou nodded.

"Call them over together," Jiang Hao said.