This Is The Blade Of Destiny

Hu Yuexin's palm strike caused the wind and clouds to surge around her, tree branches swayed below, and dry leaves fluttered.

The surrounding space also felt an oppressive force and seemingly turned cold.

Jiang Hao felt the space around him shrink. The powerful force made it difficult for him to breathe.

This sudden attack could very well decide the outcome of the fight.

At least, that was what Hu Yuexin thought.

However, Jiang Hao was still smiling. He could not dodge, but there was no need for it.

He also extended his palm.

In an instant, three illusory mountains appeared.

It was the Mountain Sea Seal.

This version of the Mountain Sea Seal had absorbed four divine souls of the Holy Master.


The two forces collided with a deafening boom.

The force of the impact swept in all directions. It shattered the branches below and caused the earth to sink.