I Was Superficial! I'm Completely Shocked!

Ma Liewen and Chen Shengfei sat at a relatively quiet table in the corner for a moment. Gao Yaoyao sent the cut Quality 2 watermelon and Quality 2 strawberry over.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Ma, your watermelon and strawberries." Gao Yaoyao's face was filled with enthusiasm as she said sweetly, "The other things are already being made in the kitchen."

"Yes!" Chen Shengfei nodded and said to Marvin, "Old Ma, try this watermelon and strawberries. They taste very good."

As he spoke, he had already picked up a piece of watermelon and placed it in his mouth to chew.

When Ma Liewen saw this, he picked up a piece and took a bite. His eyes lit up. "This melon is delicious!"

Watermelons were common fruits, and he had eaten many expensive ones. However, he had really never eaten such a delicious watermelon in his hand. It was as if his taste buds had been stimulated. When he took a bite, there was a sweet aftertaste in his mouth.