Qinglin Brand's First Product!

"President Wang, I really don't know how to persuade you." Qin Lin could only shake his head at Wang Xin's story. He said, "I'm very satisfied with this factory. I plan to buy it."

At this moment, Wang Xin was not in a hurry to agree. "President Qin, I can sell you the factory, but I have a request. You can't fire the employees. As for management, I only have a factory manager. If you want… Forget it, I'll compensate him myself!"

He also knew that if a boss bought a factory, the factory director would most likely use his own people.

When Qin Lin heard Wang Xin's request, he thought for a moment and said, "President Wang, even if I buy a factory, I still have to produce things. I won't fire your employees unless they make a mistake. As for that factory manager, let me meet him!"

Since the factory wasn't running into problems, and there was no problem with the employees, then there was no reason not to want the ready-made skilled workers.