Squirrel Who Can Enjoy! Too Many Uncultured Tourists!

Qin Lin was determined not to admit that he had become a sacrifice of Arnie the Dwarf. He only admitted that the squirrel was a gift from Arnie the Dwarf.

Looking at the little guy's small blue backpack and even its fluffy and neat fur, it was really quite exquisite.

Qin Lin fiddled with the little guy's tail. "Look at your big red tail. I'll call you Red Hair!"

As if it understood Qin Lin's words, the little squirrel squeaked at him.

"You can still understand?" Qin Lin was surprised and called out again, "Red Hair?"

"Squeak!" the little squirrel squeaked again.

This was amazing.

While Qin Lin was surprised, he exited the game with a thought and appeared in the toilet cubicle with the little squirrel Red Hair in his hand.

Qin Lin brought Red Hair out of the toilet and headed to the hall. Red Hair stayed quietly in his hand and looked curiously at the tourists around him.