Reality Is Damn! Medicine Wine +2 Taste! 1

As soon as Qin Lin had this thought, he drove straight back to Youcheng County. As soon as he reached home, he turned on the computer in his room and checked the design blueprint of the ring online.

There were many such drawings on the Internet, and there was also a special "Myriad Pictures Network" that sold the right to use such designs. These were the copyrights that the website had bought from various designers.

Qin Lin casually chose a design plan and printed it out with the home printer he bought from the computer.

He took the design and entered the game to replace the game character. He placed the design in the storage box of the house.

After exiting the game again, he looked at the screen in his mind and controlled the game character to walk towards the storage box.

[An unknown design. You can check out the Sebara Forging house!]

On the blueprint was the design for the ring he had just printed.