Quality 1 Ancient Wine Bottle! Vows Cannot Be Spoken! 2

At first glance, the three bronze wine bottles gave off an ancient and heavy aura. They were beautiful in appearance, and the landscape paintings on them looked like carefully carved works of art. The words "Qinglin Medicine Wine" were even more flamboyant and powerful.

Not to mention anything else, at first glance, it gave off a high-end aura.

If someone who didn't know better looked at the antique wine bottle, they would probably think it was an antique.

The bronze wine bottle wouldn't be too big. It was a rotary-cap type. Overall, it was about the same size as a Moutai bottle because it was made of bronze and looked a little heavier.

Qin Lin grabbed one of the bottles and saw the note:

[Bronze bottle: Quality 1]

[This is a wine container made with special craftsmanship. No bacteria can be used directly during the production process: sealedness +1, appearance +1, simplicity +1, artistic sense +1!]