Trees Can Play Sounds! 500-Year-Old Gingko!

Hearing Qin Lin's words, Li Qing and Li Kai looked at him in unison. The meaning in their gazes was obvious.

Qin Lin saw the uncle and nephew's gazes and smiled. "I'll prepare more medicinal wine tomorrow."

"Brother Qin is so kind." Li Kai smiled in satisfaction. "I'll come over as soon as possible after the new year and help you look after those cultivated watermelons."

Qin Lin chatted with them for a while before entering the backyard.

There was a large area behind the original hall. Not just a backyard, but a large area that had not been developed and used.

It was actually a huge waste of this land.

However, there was no choice. The two 500-year-old ginkgo trees were blocking it.

If he wanted to develop this wasteland, he had to cut down these two ginkgo trees. However, he could not cut them down. He could imagine how big and wide the underground roots were.