I've Thought Of A Script For Master Lin! That's Impossible, Right?

In addition, those companies who had contacted them were also willing to look for their studio.

After that, it was much easier to talk business with other companies. There were still many people looking for him.

They knew that this was a rare opportunity and had to seize it well. They had also endured the test and stabilized these clients. They planned to recruit some more people next year.

Therefore, he was very grateful to Qin Lin.

Naturally, the studio received a dividend this year. The partners also earned a lot of money. After Hu Fei received the money, coupled with his parents' sponsorship, he planned to buy a house after the New Year.

He did have a house, so he naturally bought a suitable car.

When he saw Qin Lin's car come out, Qin Ren immediately threw down his cigarette and stepped on it. Then, he went up to greet him.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. Let's go!" Qin Lin said with a smile.