Battle for the Duck King! The Guinness Book of Records is Gone Just Like That!

At night.

Yang Dong rushed to Qin Lin's office with his phone and excitedly showed him a video. "Boss, look at this video. Our floating bridge viewing area is popular."

"What's going on?" Qin Lin looked at the video in confusion.

The floating bridge scenic area had not even begun its promotion. Why was it popular?

The video was taken by an ID called 'Xiao Xue'. The video already had 150,000 likes and was on the hot search.

The title was: "The beautiful sunset, the clear pool full of duckweed!"

The video started with a girl's voice. "I discovered beautiful scenery today. If you don't clock in once, I guarantee you'll regret it."

As soon as he finished speaking, a beautiful scene appeared in the video. Floating duckweed, floating bridge, white duck, big fish, and the setting sun intertwined like a painting.

Wasn't this the video of their villa's pontoon bridge viewing area?