The Way of the World! The Temptation Of This Egg Is Too Great!!

You've earned so much from me. If you don't let me earn my livelihood, I'll mess with you. If you let me earn enough livelihood, I'll treasure you.

If you want to earn so much from me and still want to expand overseas and make my people unable to survive, I'm sorry.


Then you can choose not to do it. You should be welcome overseas.

Therefore, the people born in our country were really the happiest in the world. No country would value their people so much.

Unfortunately, many xenophiles could not understand this.

Qin Lin knew very well that even if he had the system and could obtain many good things, he was still one of the billions of people in China. It was impossible for him to violate this basic principle.

Naturally, it was up to him to decide if it involved dominance, the responsibilities of both parties, and legal contracts. After all, it was not charity.