This Squirrel Is Too Smart! It Even Bragged Like This Before?

"Hubby, what does it mean?" Wang Lan asked Chu Feng in confusion.

"Maybe they want us to scan this QR code." Chu Feng guessed a possibility.

But did this squirrel know what a QR code was?

But why was it pointing a QR code at them?

In the end, Chu Feng decided to give it a try.

After all, what bad intentions could a squirrel have?

Furthermore, this squirrel was Qin Lin's.

What Chu Feng did not expect was that when he took out his phone to scan the QR code, the squirrel actually cooperated and handed the QR code forward. Its eyes were filled with anticipation.

Chu Feng was surprised.

This squirrel was too smart.

After scanning the QR code, he was stunned. A small program message popped up on the phone screen: Congratulations on obtaining a catty of a special variety of okra worth 400 yuan.

"???" Chu Feng.

Wang Lan leaned over and was surprised to see the message. "A catty of okra? Is it giving us a gift?"