Please Let Me Represent This Drink!

The next day.

The video of Qinglin Villa's Qinglin Tea was still not trending.

After all, without knowing the effect, Qinglin Tea would only be treated as an ordinary drink. No matter how popular the villa was, it would only be a hot topic.

However, a hot topic also made many people know about this product, especially the tourists who came to the villa to play.

Before tourists arrived at the villa, the best way to make a tour guide was to watch the villa's video. Naturally, they also saw the video of Qinglin Tea.

However, if Qinglin Tea wanted to be on the trending searches like in the past, it still needed to be detonated.

Hot searches were not like hot videos where one could buy Dou+ advertisements.

Xia City.

Wang Yang slept until noon before waking up.

In order to experiment with the effect of the Qinglin Tea last night, he had drunk two bottles in a row and experienced the feeling of recovering his strength.