Surrounding Qinglin Tea! Who Are You Looking Down On?

This also forced them to keep an eye on Qinglin Tea.

Now that this new drink was trending, it was extremely popular. If it was not dealt with, it would devour more and more of their market share.

Therefore, the agents of the three brands in the provincial capital gathered together as usual.

The three of them were Red Bull's agent Yu Fei, Pulse's agent Peng San, and East Roc Special Drink's agent Shi Lei.

As soon as the three of them sat down, Pulse's agent Peng San, said, "President Yu, Qinglin Tea Company has been doing very well recently. Our orders for the area near Sanfang Seven Alley are decreasing."

Shi Lei frowned and said, "This Qinglin Tea is a little incredible. Why did it suddenly become so popular? It's catching people off guard. Moreover, the Qinglin Food Company behind this is also very unbelievable. Previously, a Qinglin Ketchup was released, making the top 10 brands helpless."