Immortal Enjoys! Pilgrimage to Qinglin Villa!

Everyone was shocked by these words.

The light music just now was already amazing, but now, it was said that listening to the Tree of Sound under the ancient ginkgo tree would be even more enjoyable?

This made many people subconsciously click on the booking connection of Qinglin Villa's official account.

They had originally intended to travel to Qinglin Villa. Now, they could not help but want to experience the effect mentioned in the video personally.

However, when they entered the booking link to Qinglin Villa, they realized that there was no room to book.

There were only more than 150 bridal rooms in Qinglin Villa to begin with, because it was already difficult to book a room with special sandalwood incense that helped one sleep. How could they book a room under such circumstances?

If they wanted to book it, they had to wait for it to refresh. Then, when an empty room appeared, they had to compete with others in speed.