Pet Treatment Needle! There Might Be a Reason for Being Poor!

Qin Lin couldn't care less if Red Hair had gotten this pregnant squirrel pregnant. Now that the pregnant squirrel was clearly in a bad situation, he had to think of a way.

It had settled down in the villa and could be considered his pet. He could not ignore it.

"Boss, we have to be mentally prepared for the situation now!" Zhang Guizhu was a little helpless.

Although she was a breeder who had graduated from veterinary school, she really did not know what to do without treatment.

"Squeak squeak!" Red Hair called out anxiously to Qin Lin again and even waved its claws crazily. Its anxious look clearly meant something.

Qin Lin suddenly understood something.

There were pet merchants in the game.

The villa had no treatment methods or measures. In Ranches Story, pet merchants sold pet healing needles that could be used to treat injured pets.