Thank You, Qinglin Laboratory! Thank You, Professor Li Kai!

"???" Tang Xiuwan took the phone in confusion. There was a news video on it.

She clicked on it and the news video played.

"This is XX news channel. I have good news for the university. Professor Li Kai of Qinglin Laboratory has cultivated the raw material, the Donasi Plant Root, that can make the SMA healing potion. Now…"

When Tang Xiuwan saw this video, her face was filled with disbelief and surprise. There was going to be a new SMA treatment in the country soon? Moreover, a needle only cost a few thousand yuan. This was definitely great news for her.

However, what surprised her even more was that Senior Brother Li had actually cultivated this thing.

This also reminded her of the few times Senior Brother Li had comforted her and sworn that Xiao Nan would be fine.

For some reason, she suddenly felt her heart skip a beat. Could Senior Brother Li have done this research for her?

But then she shook her head.