The importance of boss Qin! The horse tamer little Qin is online!_2

Fortunately, the employees of the villa had signed a contract after being recruited, forbidding them from posting information about the boss and the boss's wife online.

Fortunately, there were many versions of the owner of Linlin Manor on the internet.

Many people posted videos of the 'owner of Linlin villa' in order to gain attention. They were just taking videos of someone to gain popularity.

therefore, even if someone said that he was the owner of linlin villa, no one would believe it.

However, as time passed, more people paid attention to it and talked about it, then that might not be the case.

Therefore, he could only hope that the popularity would die down quickly. Otherwise, his peaceful days in the future would be gone.

However, he had just sat down in his office when Zhao mochen brought Lin Lanzi in and said,"hubby, sister lan zi has something to discuss with you."