Chapter 260-opportunities must be grasped by oneself!

At this moment, Yang Dong really wanted to complain in his heart. The key thing was that the other party was the boss, so he had to keep his complaints in his heart.

moreover, since his boss had asked, he had to answer. that would be too low of a eq in the workplace.

Therefore, he could only make up a story. boss, I don't know what's going on either. After all, these are pigs cultivated by the Star-Spangled nation. Maybe these small Durock pigs have undergone some kind of mutation after being cultivated, and they are particularly energetic. Some animals are so energetic that they need to vent their energy.

of course, it's also possible that these Duroc pigs were trained after they were bred. After all, they were used as pets.

yang dong felt that the content he had made up was reasonable and well-founded. moreover, this was cultivated by the pig-star country. even the boss who bought it didn't know about it, so who knew if what he said was true?