Chapter 262-customer reception breaks 10000! Someone's aiming for the quality 2 dog tooth grass!

Some of the tourists arrived in the afternoon. They had been stuck in you city for half a day and finally arrived at Linlin Ranch. They found that Linlin Ranch's sales had been restricted in the afternoon, so they couldn't buy a ticket to enter.

They could only take a step back and go to Linlin villa to play first, only to find that the villa also had a limited number of tourists.

This gave them a headache.

Since they were already here, they could only think of booking a hotel and coming back early the next morning.

However, when they wanted to book a hotel room, they were shocked to find that you Cheng couldn't book a hotel room at all. Even the hotel or the foot bath that they could stay in were all full.

In other words, they couldn't play, but they couldn't stay. Now, they had to go to the village or the neighboring County to stay?

Did they come here to play with loneliness?