Do you think the system is trash? I've always been the clown

In terms of ranches 'management and research, Linlin ranches were not as good as his Qingyuan ranches.

When he successfully transplanted the paddies in Linlin Ranch, their management experience would easily surpass that of Linlin Ranch.

With that thought in mind, Han Su asked,'have you found a channel for The White Peacock and the Durock pig from Starlight?'

The man in the suit explained, " they found a channel to get white peacocks and Duroc pigs. They also prepared a lot of Duroc pigs and can send them to us at the same time. I think they probably saw the news about the White peacocks and Duroc pigs at Linlin Ranch and knew that other ranches would buy them.

that's not important. It's fine as long as the item is here. Han Su then asked the man in the suit, " "Is the ground ready?"

The suited man nodded. yes, it's ready. We can start the transplant now.

"Let's go," he said. Han Su said decisively.

The growth period of the forage grass was 45 days.