Is this only a Chinese medicine formula? Dr. Cadolte's BUG?

Now, the other party said that this medicinal liquid was concocted by a wastrel from a Traditional Chinese Medicine family in exchange for the formula of the medicinal wine. Even the other party and boss Qin thought that this medicinal liquid had no effect. It was only after professor Li Kai had tested it that he found an abnormality. If there had been no confirmation from the test, this might not have happened.

This was unbelievable.

"Professor Li Kai, is what you said true?" Minister Lu asked again to confirm.

that's true, " Li Kai nodded. I think we might have underestimated Chinese medicine.

Minister Lu suddenly felt like he was being ridiculed after getting the confirmation.

In other words, this medicinal liquid was indeed concocted by a long-existing Chinese medicine formula?

A research on breaking through the physique that had been difficult to solve despite spending countless research funds could be solved with a Chinese medicine formula?