This wine cellar is too tempting! Wine in an antique gold bottle!

Previously, they had already dug to the 12th floor of the fountain mine. This time, Qin Lin directly controlled his character to enter the 13th floor and began to dig.

His luck seemed to be pretty good. He had only started digging a few squares when a prompt appeared.

[ you have excavated and obtained a piece of blue jade ore! ]

Although it was only a piece of Jade, it was still a harvest.

Qin Lin's interest was immediately piqued, but the next harvest made him a little dumbfounded. After digging two layers in a row, there was only Jade ore, gold, silver, and copper ore. There was not even a bag of special soil or a bucket of earthly spring water.

This was probably because his luck was extremely low.

This made him lose the mood to continue digging. He came back to his senses and logged into the villa management APP to see if there was anything he needed to deal with.