Linlin Manor's threshold is frighteningly high!

Therefore, a week later, Linlin Manor was officially opened. At the same time, the official account of the manor on mouyin also released an opening announcement.

This announcement video shocked everyone.

Min province.

In a hotel, eternal's legs were a little weak as he lay on the sofa and looked at the young lady who had just finished washing up and was dressed a little skimpily.

"Handsome, thank you for your concern!" A young lady waved her hand in greeting.

"Next time, just WeChat!" The other man shook his phone.

After the two ladies left, eternal took out his phone and sent a WeChat message to Wang Yan."Old classmate, thank you for the arrangement."

"Good! I'll arrange for it next time." Wang Yan replied.

Eternal smiled.

I won't need it next time. I'll add her on WeChat.