A medicinal cuisine that! can't learn!

Qin Lin picked up his chopsticks and tasted it. He frowned slightly. The medicinal fish made from quality 2 fish meat was naturally delicious. After all, it had the deliciousness and texture of quality 2.

However, it was still lacking by a lot because a few of the attributes of the medicinal cuisine's Secret recipe had not been fully displayed. The special taste, special taste, and special medicinal fragrance were all lacking in meaning.

Qin Lin thought for a while and then instructed Master Lin, " "Master Lin, please use the ordinary fish meat to make another portion of the herbal dish fish."

Master Lin nodded. He took a piece of ordinary fish and started to make the same herbal fish.

The steps, order, heat control, and proportion were all the same.

soon, master lin finished preparing a portion of ordinary medicinal fish.