Chapter 306-the old senior is here! Insomnia is not! problem

To be honest, if it was someone else, even if the other party was a rich man, he would not personally come to welcome them.

However, he was full of admiration for this kind of senior who had dedicated his life to scientific research and made great contributions to the country.

A moment later.

A special business car drove to the manor and stopped.

Three people came down from above.

one of them was a staff member from the chinese academy of sciences. he was responsible for sending academician li over and setting up an account at linlin manor.

The other person was a doctor in a white coat. This was arranged by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He would check on academician Li's physical condition with the other doctors in the manor.

From this, it could be seen how much importance the higher-ups placed on an old man like academician li.