Boss Qin's herbal dish is that awesome?(3)

of course. It can't be grown by ordinary turtles or big yellow croakers. It has to be aged to be able to grow.

so, I asked around through my own connections and found an old turtle and a big yellow croaker for academician li to try it out. I didn't expect it to work.

however, these old turtles and big yellow croakers are very rare. It's almost impossible to find them in the market.

This was also a warning.

If academician li recovered, and the news that his herbal dish could cure stomach cancer spread, then many rich and powerful people would have stomach cancer.

He didn't have the mood to treat stomach cancer, and he didn't even want to care about some people.

therefore, the traditional chinese medicine doctor, the old turtle, and big yellow croaker were the scapegoats.

there was nothing he could do without the turtle and the old turtle as ingredients, right? So, he could only apologize.