Try and test to increase the attributes of medicinal cuisine

[ do you want to use the secret recipe of medicinal cuisine? ]

A system notification appeared!

Qin Lin immediately chose to use it.

After a while, the cooking skills information about the herbal dish were all printed in his mind. There was still information about the Chinese medicine, medicinal properties, and related cooking skills.

This herbal dish required a lot of herbs. Moreover, the herbs required for this herbal dish couldn't be too old. This meant that the price would be very expensive.

After getting the relevant information, Qin Lin went online to check the price of these herbs. They were really not something ordinary people could afford.

On the other hand, the secret recipe of the medicinal cuisine for Emperor Qianlong could be used to make a wide variety of ingredients. In other words, as long as the Emperor could eat most of the exotic delicacies, it could be made.