Chapter 326-there are actually three types!

The other old Chinese doctors also nodded and began to prepare the medicinal herbs. Then, they prepared the brain stem unblocking medicinal powder and the nerve cell opening medicinal liquid.

very quickly, the two medicines were concocted.

Minister Lu didn't hesitate to send the medicinal liquid for testing immediately. He also told his assistant, Xiao He, to keep an eye on it and wait for news.

after that, minister lu could only wait for the results.

Chu Qingfeng and the other old Chinese doctors were also waiting for the results. To be honest, this was what Chinese medicine lacked. They knew about the medicine and only wanted the medicinal properties, but they had no way to judge the specific effects.

After all, even in ancient times, miracle doctors like Hua Tuo and Zhang Zhongjing had to go through countless experiments to know the specific effects of some medicine.