the new flying man! he must have used stimulants!_1

Linlin Manor.

Qin Lin had already been pulled into professor Ren's room. The TV in the room was broadcasting a sports event.

It was a 100m sprint event broadcasted by the official sports channel. It was the Maya Gold sprinting event that su ye had participated in.

Academician li, academician Lin, and academician Hao were all there.

The three of them also knew about the body-increasing medicinal liquid, so they were naturally curious about this match.

Beijing Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Minister Lu was also watching the game with the other leaders.

The leaders had always paid close attention to the body-increasing medicinal liquid.

the current match was the time for the body-increasing medicinal liquid to display its initial power.

At the same time.

There were quite a few people watching the live broadcast of the game.