Give 10% of the shares and completely tie up the blame

"This year, our firm still has a lot of business to expand and strive for." Robin looked at Chu Feng and said, " Chu Feng, especially on your side, you must sign a contract with Linlin company this year. If you have any needs, all the lawyers in the law firm will support you.

These words also caused the other business partners to look at Chu Feng with envy in their eyes.

The company with the most potential and the most rapid development last year was undoubtedly Linlin.

But this year, almost everyone knew that Linlin company would become a giant in the future, so many law firms had their eyes on Linlin company's legal business.

who would have thought that the boss behind linlin company was actually chu feng's junior brother?

Because of Linlin company's legal business, the number of legal assistants assigned to Chu Feng by the law firm had increased to five.

Linlin's company was developing too quickly, and the legal needs were growing.